Tuesday, January 4, 2011

~The New Year~

      Ah. You see that, yes the colored lights are being turned off, the neighbors are throwing out their Christmas tree, the radio has stopped playing the same five Christmas songs on the radio. That only means one thing, It’s a new year and not just any new year its 2011! That last pesky 0 is gone from our years as a people for the time being! The new year offers hope and love to every one around the world as people make new years resolution to, I say this loosely ‘change their old ways.’ But instead of changing who you are I think as a people we should do something a little different. I want you as the reader to think of that one thing you want to change the most more often than not what we want to change about or selves may be a very hard thing to do so why set the bar so high? My suggestion to you is instead of setting the bar so high you will hit your head on it I think we should all set the bar to a much more basic place. An Olympic runner doesn’t just say, “hey I think I should join the Olympics.” No they take their time, they start at birth learning to crawl then to walk and finally that run and they keep on improving that run all their lives. So set the bar to a point you know you can make it too, don’t make your goal so difficult to achieve that you just give up and forget about your resolution, YOU can make a difference.