Thursday, December 9, 2010

- End of the living world- (how to survive a apocolypse a zombie apocolypse.)

-End of the living world-
      The world as a whole has prepared mentally and physically for many disasters, but few truly are prepared for when their dead aunt Beth comes knocking on the door. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to prevent you from being ripped apart like a young child's present on Christmas and have your brain eaten.

You don’t walk out in the morning in boxers to run to the store.  You prepare by grabbing a pair of pants, a shirt, socks, maybe a jacket, and an uzi sub-machine gun wouldn’t hurt.  Why would you do anything different when the undead are prowling the streets?  Truthfully you don't.  You can go out however you like! It’s not like a zombie would care.  Of course, the last thing you probably would want to do is step outside in bare feet on a beautiful sunny day and step on a dismembered arm or some raw flesh of a decomposing animal. You have to prepare! Get some boots and head out!  At first you might feel slightly heavier pulling around two legs with boots heavy as led, stumbling about like a drunken fool, but it may be a good idea. If you have a jacket, you will want it light weight just case you have to make a break for it.  In other words, trench coats are out of the question. Just leave that bad boy at home for another day. Besides, when the zombie apocalypse happens, you won’t need to hide the guns under one. Remember to keep your hair very short.  Consider shaving it off.  Remember that it is easier to grab you by the hair than by a bald scalp if you are running.  Long beards are out of the question too.
Food is necessary for any living human.  We need to eat to survive. Without the correct vitamins and minerals, you are going to wither up like a dried reed.  Even if that is happening, it probably isn’t as unpleasant as being invited over to a starving neighbor’s house for dinner to find out you are on the menu. 
Consider if you could see yourself through a zombie’s clammy-glazed over eyes, you would just look like a nice steaming steak, or a pile of delicious bacon with two legs walking around, screaming EAT ME!  It hasn’t been proven that that is what a zombie sees, on the other hand if you were starving and saw a pile of walking bacon on the street, you would probably chase after it to get a bite of that mouthwatering food.  Sadly when searching for food, it isn’t likely you will see a pile of walking bacon.  Instead you may locate a lump of scum covered steak or maggot covered bacon on the shelves of the general goods store.  Instead of leaving the store with a big grin on your face at that wonderful prize, you will get stuck with the can of spam, and stale bread.  Don't fret! Just imagine that delicious Red Robin burger you’ve been craving for months when you bite into the Spam sandwich and everything will be all right.

~Starter off Kit~
To get started after you have obtained some proper clothing and food, you will need to get the essentials such as: Medicine (anything from Advil to Morphine qualifies as essential).  Consider chewing gum to help you concentrate in the many stressful situations which are sure to follow.  This assumes you find being chased by a horde of hungry zombies as stressful.  Make sure to grab  a couple months worth of bottled water because any other water supply will be contaminated with all the disease which the undead are festering with.  Ear plugs will help assist your sleep, blocking out all the moaning.  A tooth brush is important.  Yes, I know you have more important things to think about then dental hygiene, but if you don’t brush you will inviting all that bacteria in the air to party in your mouth and eventually all over you.  You will want to gather any other supplies that will help you survive the apocalypse, use your imagination.
It is important that you understand one thing about other people:  every person wants one thing, and not THAT one thing. They want your supplies. Especially food.  The only thing more dangerous than the undead knocking on your door, is your average psychotic Joe packing an Uzi and a shotgun.  He can: jump, run, swim, eat, use tools, open doors, steal, shoot at you, hit you, smack you, take a brick and break your windows, eat your food, tie you up and leave you for the zombies.  People can do much more than that, so you will have to be prepared for everything.  The best way to deal with the living human  problem is to get your own average Joe’s!  Bring your friends, give them guns. You can then go out and enjoy to the full extent of the action!  Explosions, fire, drinks, you name it!  If you can’t find it, you can steal it from the average Joe’s who aren’t prepared!  When choosing a group of your buddies, there are a few steps you should go through.  You want them to be in good physical condition (the last thing you want is to be motivating a giant pile of jello to keep moving with a Twinkie). You want someone who knows how to use random junk and make something into a weapon. You don’t want someone who will slow you down, unless they will be used as bait.
Once you have gathered the things you need, consider travelling to a permanent place to stay.  Some house off the highway won’t cut it.  You will need to find a long term residence to invest in.  This is more important than some nice sports car! You want a secure place to live with an abundant food source, and preferably no zombies.  Consider the following when making your choice:
1. Distance you will have to travel to get there.   The longer you travel, the more likely you will be relieved of parts of anatomy along the way.
2. How you will be getting there.   Walking is a bit more dangerous than by tank.  Zombies don’t do well eating through metal.
3. Does the area you are traveling to have a climate good for humans?  Hot deserts or frozen wastelands aren’t a good idea.
4. If traveling to a town, or Holiday Inn, consider the population.  The last thing you want to worry about is the number of Joe’s and/or zombies trying to get into the same place.  You may not like that company.
5. If you choose to live up in the north (i.e.,  Alaska/Canada) you will have advantage during winter time.  The undead don’t produce body heat. They will either freeze like a popsicle or slow down enough so you have nothing to worry about!
In the end, the choices you make about how and where you will live during a zombie apocalypse won’t only determine your fate, but maybe the fate of the entire human race. No pressure.  Just remember that even if you are about to get eaten at least you had a good time, with many fond memories of better days in the past, so enjoy life now and prepare.
Choose carefully! Each choice could be your last.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Little Twist in PoV

I couldn't stand this air, this ground and especially the people milling around believing that they had a life to live and tasks to do. It disgusted me in more ways then one can imagine. They didn't seem to see the obvious that their lives didn't matter, that not only does the world not care about them, it usually kills them off first. Most times, I sit on this bench and I watch as those disgusting apes walk on; reading their newspapers or talking on those phones. How could they stand such an existence? How could they not see the inevitable? I lifted my hand out of my pocket and felt the cold hungry dagger surge with life. I stood up and walked towards that man, the man that didn't deserve to live. I raised the dagger and the curtain went down.
The band played up the intermission music, my part was played.
"Good job out there Brian!" My classmate, Chris said, "How can you be that good?"
I handed over the plastic dagger, "You have to live like them man, get under their skin and know how they think. I guess you can say that you have to literally become one to act like one."
He gave a sidelong stare, "You sure your not taking that a little too far?"
"For the job I want, I have to think like them." I replied, heading for the changing room.
"And what would that be?"
"A detective."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A short written memory for a language arts assignment ( written much like Mark Twains rembrence of going to a lake) please enjoy :)

Red Roses
The blue sky shined as I walked outside, on that summer day. Birds chirping in the distance cars passing by on the street I turn my head to behold a single delicate red rose; the light made the rose glow a bright maroon color bringing a feeling of ease and relaxation to my mind. A new noise entered the picture a light hum, unlike any noise of natural cause, could it be a muffler on a car? my mind dancing with the thought of a large vehicle rushing down the street, but then I saw that small plane in  the sky flying overhead bursting with a dull color against the bright blue sky, I looked back at the rose a breeze slowly picking up tossing the rose to and fro. I was then taken back through time and space into a plane, memories flooded in of walking in a crowded airport with people of all shapes and sizes. then there I was, walking down the isle of the plane with a boque of roses in my hand I watched in fear as people bumped into each other rudely to get past to their seats like how cattle rush forward into a slaughter house. My eyes dashed back and forth praying that my row of seats would either be empty or have a child or teenager in the seat next to me. I was lunged back into thought as my mother gave me a light push to get me going, I stumbled clutching my dear roses to my chest they had a place to be and a person to be with. my heart sunk as I reached my seat I looked down to see a man sitting there his beard neatly trimmed and hair lathered over to form a formidable hair style, but even though I saw these things a feeling of fear thumped in my chest I sat down careful not to smoother what i held most dear to my heart. I sat suddenly followed by my mother teasing me about the care i was keeping for my child as she called my roses. i ignored her and  checked my roses to make sure they had survived the initial test of getting onto that crowded under heated plane. The trip back was an uneventful one with only a few terrifying moments, like when I fell asleep and those roses began to roll off my legs onto the toxic floor of the airplane luckily I woke right before that accured. Time then seemed to speed up, the memory blurring with a bright flashes of other events until once again i was in my home triumphant for bringing those roses from Utah all the way back to Alaska with minuscule harm. I then walked over to where my dearest friend was and gave her the roses with a smile on my face I had completed the impossible to bring the one I love a gift of a life time. I awoke, dazzled by that blur of emotion and action the plane was slowly going out of view the hum so faint the human ear couldn’t register, the breeze had stopped  letting that single rose take rest much like how I was able to get rest once I knew that my trial was over and the roses had reached their right destination a destination of peace, home, and love. The Rose survived the wind such as I had survived that plane trip.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Importance of Birthdays in the American Society

I am not going to lie, birthdays are epic. The most epic of these birthdays are your 1-6, 16, 21, 30, and maybe your 40. After the 40th year however, you start to feel as though your muscles start to crumble away, your bones being ground to dust, and the image your old flabby being put into a coffin. Why does the American society celebrate these occasions? You may be inclined to say that its a time for everyone to get together, to do something crazy, and have hazy images on what happened that night. You are wrong. The reason Americans love birthdays is that it makes them feel empowered, it makes them feel as though they can rule the world. Think about it, if you didn't celebrate birthdays with the usual wishes and gratefulness of having that special birthday kid feel better, we would probably not be alive to tell about how depressing birthdays make us. It would not feel like taking another year under the belt and telling the tale, it would be more like a funeral procession giving prayers over the lucky new born as the mother and father cries over how, in the distant future, their beloved child will die somehow. Because of this, we tend to celebrate birthdays in a far better way. Some of you would be offended about this saying that we don't think about the death of the guy. Well answer me this, do you ever had a flicker of sadness or the idea of what the world be like without that birthday kid, if you have you are a hypocrite.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I find it rather odd to talk about school on a blog that deals with The Story of Life... Sorta. And due to this, I find it sad that many people dismiss their school life as a frilly playtime before they are burdened with the weight of life and to an extent, work. In this post, I will show how your school life probably altered the very being you are and I will show how your life at school will probably never leave you.
Most people generally don't discuss their time at school which doesn't make much sense to me. They believe that talking about their social rank and other such social miscellaneous' do not apply outside of the school perimeters. They may be right, but I have one question for those that believe such things. What would your friends be considered? If you answered truthfully then I ask another question. What would you consider the friends you had in school? Odds are, they are from the same group. If you are shaking your head and angrily gnashing your teeth at my stupidity, I have to again say this; the faces of your friends may change, but how they behave and dress will be the same. I don't think I have to give an example to show how this is meant to be, but regardless, I will give a brief demonstration.
Timmy here is considered a nerd, picked on by everyone and loved only by his girlfriend, friends, and family. Timmy went through high school and graduated with valedictorian statues and goes on to study at Stanford University with a full ride scholarship. Timmy graduates from Stanford with a major in science. He made friends throughout this time and later reconnects with them all since they all also graduated with majors in science. He goes to MIT to receive his masters and begins to work for Boeing on alternate fuel sources. He is then invited to a dinner. Who do you think attended this dinner? What sort of mannerisms do you think Timmy will see and expect? Do I have to continue?
You may be asking why I am writing this post. For those that are looking for a deeper meaning, there is one. My English teacher informed me that my writing skills are lacking. He recommends me to get better at it. Now I am. Comment and help the poor guy with bad writing skills.

Friday, October 22, 2010

To that one guy on the plane.

To that one guy on the plane
It’s happened to all of us, we get on that crowded plane, sit in that un-comfy seat by the window just hoping  that by some astronomical chance you will have someone who you know sit by you.
Sadly this doesn’t happen, sure there is that one person who by some miracle sits next to some random person he/she knows but that is unlikely. Instead of your friend Taylor, or Tina sitting next to you; you get that one big guy… no big deal you don’t mind its not like he is a bad person or anything, then he sits down you realize you underestimated Buh-buh’s size so in fact now because of that slight miscalculation you are squished up against the window praying for your life that, that giant hunk of tissue doesn’t fall asleep and squish you further into oblivion. Once the plane takes off you realize that even though all your limbs have fallen asleep you can last that 4 hour flight until you smell Buh-buh on accident your nose curls because of that putrid smell of a man that is sweaty and hasn’t showered in weeks, you turn your head to see if anyone else can smell that odor but to your dismiss you can’t see past Buh Buh’s belly.  Then the concession stand thing which holds the drinks comes by, you realize that despite that horrid smell you are still craving that 10 dollar sandwich when the flight attendant stops at your isle she asks BUh-buh if he wants to buy anything, of course he orders something, you let out a squeak to try and get your meal the flight attendant looks at you with sad eyes and you then order. What do you know it’s actually a good meal in a plane for once right before you take a bite you look over at Buh-buh and realize he hasn’t only eaten all his food but is sleeping; your worst fear is about to become a reality, you are about to die of suffocation by a 600 pound man.   You eat your food and let one tear roll down your cheek.  You then sacrifice the rest of you plane trip praying that by some chance Buh-buh will shrink to an average person’s size.
The question is, have you ever talked to a Buh-buh? Maybe he is about to go get surgery to fix his weight problem, maybe he/she has an eating disorder that makes them have to eat who cows to feel full. Maybe they are having a bad day already and are just hoping the seat they sit next to is empty so they don’t hurt another life. What I ask is next time you have to sit next to a Buh Buh instead of crying out in fright or running away, you should try and communicate to them even though their outward appearance mte be the farthest reaches of human figure, they are still people too; they deserve our respect and kindness and if you end up talking to one of this individuals I bet you learn something new about yourself and you learn to appreciate your life more…
I want to thank all the Buh Buhs I’ve had to sit with on planes or in other places, I wish you all a fantastic life with much happiness.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Life upside down picture

Something Worthwhile

There is a time when one must actually give out good advice to the mass. And every good public speaker and advisers all know that when that time comes. We all dread this time, a time when the most important ruler or power is trembling on the ground, a time when power seems to drain from the masses, a time when we most need to hit the toilet and crap out loads of logs. For the most part, there isn't a worse time in the history of advice then that of this time of advice. Well, there is one time worse, but that is off topic and as such will appear later on. This time fills us with fear, with the thought that the future is more hazy then what we tell the masses. For the most part, we advisers and speakers believe that what we say truly has an affect on those that listen even if they tend to zone us out or channel surf through our speeches and clever puns. We believe that our words can stop wars and peace in equal measure and that what we say is almost like the word of God, ever mysterious and almost uncrackable. We believe with a fire of a thousand suns that people actually study our speeches and recall what we say. We even believe that our speeches and words mean so much to other people that they are referenced just as much as Star Trek and Star Wars, even Napoleon Dynamite. Since this time in history is the most corrosive in the time of man, we speakers and advisers have made up a clever tool that looks like a piece of advise but it isn't. This same warhorse has been with man when they destroyed Troy, slayed dragons, and even when one sits on the toilet and seems unable to move his bowels no matter how hard he tries. This advise is considered the most successful non-advice that has ever been given. Even with the time of creation and creator are lost in the sands of time, we speakers and advisers believe that the one to take credit for the invention is names Adam. This advise that has endured revelations, wars, and time is as follows; "Believe in yourself and you shall surely be rewarded." What the reward is has not been understood yet and is debated amongst generals, kings, and presidents alike. For the religious type, it may be heaven, or cleansing of sins or karma, for the non-religious types, it could be dreams succeed or money won. For the political types it may be being elected into office yet again despite the knowledge that they personally didn't do anything to deserve a position. For the most part, we understand that the rewarded is happiness and take great strides in striving for that goal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Pains of being allergic to some unknown material...

So, sitting on the Couch talking with my Gf for a bit, and after that phone call what do you know my ear starts to heat up and turn red! this has happened to me all my life so i figured its just some natural cause...but about a week ago my dad said its probly just an allergic reaction....JUST AN ALLERGIC REACTION!? what the heck my ear is just fallin off right now! haha (my dad rocks)  so now im sitting here while typing this post, and im thinking what couldve caused this to happen to me. my guesses are the following:
1: My Gf's beautiful voice (even though my ear doesnt swell up when i talk with her) haha
2: my old leather chair! (possible because i have had it for many years which is a good suspect for this odd reaction.
3: My cats hair on the chair (this isnt really a factor to exspect because i never have a reaction when I touch the cat or am near it or anything.)
   So basically  this allergic reaction is just some annoyance that continues to bug me and haunt me in my sleep! ok not in my sleep that would be kinda weird....

The Pains of being allergic to some unknown material...

So, sitting on the Couch talking with my Gf for a bit, and after that phone call what do you know my ear starts to heat up and turn red! this has happened to me all my life so i figured its just some natural cause...but about a week ago my dad said its probly just an allergic reaction....JUST AN ALLERGIC REACTION!? what the heck my ear is just fallin off right now! haha (my dad rocks)  so now im sitting here while typing this post, and im thinking what couldve caused this to happen to me. my guesses are the following:
1: My Gf's beautiful voice (even though my ear doesnt swell up when i talk with her) haha
2: my old leather chair! (possible because i have had it for many years which is a good suspect for this odd reaction.
3: My cats hair on the chair (this isnt really a factor to exspect because i never have a reaction when I touch the cat or am near it or anything.)
   So basically  this allergic reaction is just some annoyance that continues to bug me and haunt me in my sleep! ok not in my sleep that would be kinda weird....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Allotted Time

If you believe that this is a post dealing with our time here on earth, you should just skip this post regardless on what the title of this blog is called. This is the story of my time on the computer and the restrictions that occur. Since I now take three AP classes, my allotted time on the computer is now cut down to an hour as of per instructions by my mother and father. At first, I was utterly upset, but then I realized something. For me to achieve my long time goal of making it into the Ivy League, I need to have good academic standings and at the moment, frankly, my standings are a whimsical 25% at the top of my class. I found this insulting and rather saddening. And such, I have found the value in limiting my mindless use of computer (and bandwidth) time to do more productive things... Like tennis and violin.

Picture made in my UBER BORING Comp Apps class.

My Opinion on the lack of professionalism in the work place.

My Opinion on the lack of professionalism in the work place
Many times have I went into a store, or a restaurant and have been appealed by the lack of professionalism, and services provided by the employees. Such as yesterday my dad and I went to I-hop, one of our favorite restaurants (well not really a restaurant) to get some food. We were greeted by our waitress she took us to the corner of the restaurant and sat us down and gave us our menu’s and did the normal waitress things. Later in the meal I realized that our table was lacking a bottle of ketchup for my onion rings, I mean hey no big deal right? WRONG! So me and my dad waited for the waitress to walk back over so we could give her our request; as we waited my dad finished his pancakes and was wanting some more. “Here she comes!” my dad said I looked up to see her stop to talk to another employee of sorts who had walked in and sat down. I waited boiling with frustration on how this lady was clearly not doing her job and being rude to all the people in the restaurant. Her chat continued with this man for some time as she arrived I told her how my dad 1: wanted more pancakes 2: we needed refills on our drinks, and 3: I wanted some freaking ketchup. She then grumbled and walked off, as my dad said her tip was dwindling. 4: She got my order wrong to so I had to eat the wrong food.
I don’t understand why unprofessionalism can be tolerated like that! Sure the lady could’ve been having a bad day or he cat died or something but that still isn’t a reason to treat other with no regard; she could’ve stayed home if she was going to act like that to others. I also think its a waist of my time and others if the person/'s  are being self interested and not getting their job done right!

Friday, October 1, 2010

the other contributor

so I don't know if my fellow contributor wanted me to be able to post stuff on the story of life, so I'll just assume that he does until otherwise noted. For the past year I have been whittling down my existence in this vast, yet depleted state known to the local citizens as the Golden State. So far, I have found no evidence to support this claim and, like the rest of the more intelligent and broader minded mass, I would wish that the legislation of this state would stop sticking their collective faces in their butts and start working to make this state better for the citizens and not for everyone.
Other then this little setback, I have been bored out of my mind until my fellow colleague here introduced me to a blog. From this I am to help him in his movies and also to have fun doing it. Enjoy and have a good life

First Post

Well as you see this is my first post and I figure I should just come right out and say why im doing/ starting this, The reasons allude me most of the time but the fact is 1: I love to write random long nothings and a blog is an excellent way of doing so. 2: I can write about things which are bothering me or my many petpeeves.
3: I can care less about my grammer and how sucky my writing can be at times, but heck people who read this will either think its retarted or somewhat funny and either works for me.
4: Its a good way I can put my many videos out on the vast land called the internet.
5: its a way I can waist my ever shrinking free time which i need to fix.
and 6: because I think I'll have fun doing it.

Ok so basically I will update this when i get the chance to, talk about somthing random have fun doing it hopefully entertain some random bloger with the user name ______ <-- insirt your name here.
and maybe in doing this I can learn how to write better and be more effeicent at what I do.... So please enjoy and have a great life =P